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Eucalyptus Genomics


Due to their excellent growth and wood quality, eucalypts are, globally, the most widely planted hardwood species. Most adaptive and commercially important traits in forest trees, including eucalypt species, are quantitative and are therefore influenced by large numbers of genomic loci, often with small effect on the trait of interest. We, the FMG Population Genomics Team, make use of large-scale genome sequencing and DNA marker technology to tag genetic variation among individual genomes, draw associations between these genetic variants and observed phenotypes, and use genotypic information to guide selections for breeding programmes. Our current research focus areas include, reducing flowering time to enable faster breeding cycles, genomic selection for growth and wood properties,  genome-wide association and quantitative trait locus mapping to elucidate the genomic foundations of essential traits, and delineation of genome-environment interactions to model genotype-by-site compatibility.

©2022 by Forest Molecular Genetics Programme

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